Overseas Patents

Trademark Business Name Australia

There are a number of patent international strategies which are selected by our Patent Attorneys to suit your commercialisation plans and goals. A meeting (or two) will assist to develop a suitable patent strategy that meets your goals. You can book a consultation here.

We have a trusted network of Associates and contacts globally who can assist with overseas patent filing strategies and protection.

What is the PCT patent?

A Patent Cooperation Treaty patent (PCT) is an application made with the World Intellectual Property Organisation. The PCT patent runs for an 18-month period after which it will lapse.

Before the end of the PCT process you must have decided and lodged in every country that you seek protection for. These applications are called national phase applications. 

If a national phase application is missed in a particular country by the deadline, then you forfeit your right to protect your invention in that country and it is free for all to use.

Whilst the PCT patent process costs extra, it provides many advantages. 

Speak to our Patent Attorneys today to find out more – Bookings can be made here or you can make an enquiry for a quote here.


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