Trademark Company

30+ Reviews Australia wide and Internationally

Trademark Your Company Name

Drafting of an application is as vital as performing the proper analysis of trademark search results.

Missing the appropriate details in the application for trademark services or products might cause a rejection of your application, or even allow a copycat to infringe.

Even if the application gets approved, any inaccurate description of product, brand or service can give rise to another business raising a request to remove your trademark.

An experienced trademark company works with the right experience to help you make the right strategy and draft the details to eliminate overlaps with other trademarks.

Our trademark company helps you with everything related to the trademark process. So, reach out to us now for your trademark application.

What People are Saying

Hear from some of our clients with the reviews below:

Alex has always provided me the right advice when it comes to my business and is very professional. Great direction and outcomes.
Paul Kidis
Alex was incredibly helpful, he was clear, concise and comprehensive. I would recommend him to anybody with doubts about the processes involved.

Fully Accredited

It’s our Patent Attorney industry institute, and you have to be exceptional experience and recommended by other Patent Attorneys to be a member.



Providing Patent Attorney and Trademark Attorney services to businesses and companies throughout Australia and globally.

Intellectual Property Representation

Phone: 1300 138 802 Email: info at trademarkservices dot com dot au Postal: Australian Patent and Trademark Services PO Box 688 North Adelaide SA 5006 Australia

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