The Beckhams Trademark their daughter’s name “Harper Beckham”
So can you use your personal name as your business name?
Be wary, under trademark law, your birthright to a name does not actually provide you with a commercial right to trade with it, as a trademark.
The Beckham’s Trademark Lawyers recently registered their daughter’s name “Harper Beckham” as a trademark in Europe. They covered entertainment services, and a variety of other goods, such as bleaches, printed matter, leather, umbrellas, perfume, clothing, toys, dolls, music and entertainment.
Their Trademark Lawyers also registered as Trademarks her older siblings names: Cruz, 12, Romeo, 14, and Brooklyn.
If you are adopting your name to trade with, be wary that you may be infringing a registered trademark. Our Trademark Attorneys can search the Trademark Register to assess whether you could be sued for using the name commercially, and apply to register your name as a trademark, if it is available.
The best business practice is always that you should seek to trademark your name as soon as possible in order to prevent a person with the same name offering your goods and services.
There are many other trademark name examples, such as JIM’S CLEANING, JIM’S, JIM’S PLUMBING, JIM’S BUILDING INSPECTIONS, JIM’S LOCKSMITHS, JIM’S GARDEN CARE, JIM’S REMOVALS AUSTRALIA, Jenny Craig, Jenny’s Cuisine, McDonalds, Smith’s Crisps.
Contact our Trademark Attorneys to assist you conduct and assess Trademark Register search results. If favourable, then we can secure rights by applying to register a Trademark for your brand, logo, slogan or business name. Fill out this form to get started.